Cultivate close friends.
What does that mean?
This is a double meaning. Close as in intimate and trusting and healing and listening and helping and “there” for us.
And close as in living nearby. As in the thinking about how to live lighter on the Earth: how to have friends “close” enough so we can walk to, or bicycle to their house, or to some mid spot to meet.
And if our friends, as of yet, aren’t that “close,” what could we do to begin to “love our neighbors” in such a way that people near us did become our “close” friends.
How could this come about?
Even to imagine such a thing, might begin to open us to the kind of community / loving that would make the life on Earth and life in our own neck of the woods far sweeter and more sustainable, again in two meanings of sustainable.
Sustaining for the Earth.
Sustaining for our own lives, and the lives of those “near” us.
And then again, there's always cultivating that close friend who is the silent empty not-me us of who we really are. And if that doesn't make sense, stop thinking for five or ten seconds and see what's left of "you."