I'm rewriting that book. The book rotates in different order through Movement awareness, emotional learning, thinking improvement and soul connection.
It's superb.
I'm going to be selling the first 32 "ways" as a pdf for $12. If people complete those and write email me of their "learning," I'll sell the next 32 "ways" for $8. And if they do and finish and write me about these, I'll sell the final 42 ways for $4.
And if anyone wants to preview, I'll email a pdf of the first 8 "ways" free.
So here's the tenth, without "easy" paragraph breaks. If you want easy email for the first 8 in pdf.
If not, this can change your life, as each of the 108 ways can:
here goes:'
Ten: Emotional Learning
Learning: differences, similarities. We aren’t alone, 2.
Think of a person for whom you have both “positive” and “negative” feelings.
Write down three traits of this person that evoke each attitude.
Look from one list to the other. “Good traits” to “bad traits” to “good traits” and so on. Notice inside yourself the “feelings” that the positive list evokes and the feelings the negative list brings up. INSIDE YOURSELF.
This is huge. They are what they are, but where you put your attention creates what goes on INSIDE of you.
Don’t TRY not to be negative. When you look at the “negative” list, feel what you feel. And as you go back and forth allow real emotion learning to take place as you notice differences, notice differences notice differences. This is learning.
Now, take all six traits and find them in yourself.
Try to do this as if you were an outside observer, some sort of anthropologist taking notes on some exotic tribe. You and the person are both from this exotic tribe. The anthropologist has no stake or judgment about any of these six traits. They are just interested, and very empathetic with both of you for being this way.
The anthologist knows humans are hugely similar.
See and feel the ways you and this person you have picked have a lot of similarity, or fallen into the same habits, or have the same patterns.
Doesn’t matter how you say it, just “be with this” and realize once more, how you are not alone.
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